The Beautiful people

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Raj's special mentions...

Music - Marilyn Manson, Michael Jackson, Creed, Nirvana, Alterbridge, Foo fighters, Nickelback, Train, AC/DC, Limp Bizkit, Motorhead, Snoop Dogg, Saliva, Eminem...

Wrestling - Edge, Kane, Undertaker, Randy Orton, John Cena, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, Hardyz, Dudleyz, John Morrison, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Bret 'the hitman' Hart...

Hollywood - Will Smith, Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando, Robert DeNiro, Angelina Jolie, Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher, Jack Nicholson, Heather Graham, Elizabeth Hurley, Morgan Freeman, Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy, Tobey Maguire...

Soccer - Thierry Henry, Robert Pires, Dennis Bergkamp, Emmanuel Adebayor, Robin Van Persie, Patrick Viera, Sol Campbell, David Beckham...

Yeah.....These people are better than you.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is for you, Michael.

June 25th 2009 - The day the music died.... Here's what I published in FB for Michael the day he passed away.

(Michael Jackson - A eulogy for my hero

June 25th 2009 - Michael Jackson has passed away at the age of 50 due to succumbing to Cardiac arrest. He is lived on by his 3 children.

Michael Jackson, other than being my favorite artist, has been an inspiration for many world-wide. I remember as a kid growing up watching his music videos and concerts via TV. By then, his reputation had already been tarnished by accusations of child molestation. Sadly, a few fans of his music had turned on him simply because of his personal life which still remained an accusation and nothing more. I never believed whatever allegations they made of him, simply because I knew Michael Jackson was beyond that. My personal favorite song of all time by him would still be Billie Jean. The birth of rhythm and beat was through that song. The music videos were spectacular, evoking every aspect of your senses. He was a living legacy himself and will never be forgotten. He was eccentric, no questions about that, however, isn't his personal life just that? A PERSONAL life? We all fail to realize that we hate it when people dig deep into our lives, however, being as insensitive as we are, we love analyzing others' lives. But that's just human nature, sadly.

He loved children so much, that some cruel people decided to capitalize on that and accused him of child molestation, yet again. He was deemed innocent, but that's just not good enough for many as they all wanted to see the man they once loved, suffer, while they cherished their new heroes like Justin Timberlake, etc (circa 2003) Through all that, he suffered silently and went into a slump, disappearing from the media limelight.

Earlier this year, the King of Pop was poised to make his comeback and wipe every other so called 'pop artists' out of the radar. His loyal fans stuck by him through his entire life and were more than overjoyed that their hero, their idol, Michael Jackson was going to step up and make the greatest comeback in music's history. I was one of those people. I wanted to see my hero rise up and show everyone what entertainment was really about.

I woke up this morning and read some text messages by friends that Michael had left this world. I was praying and hoping that this was just some media ploy. I turned on the news and read, probably the worst celebrity death that ever affected me. Many tributes were and are being played. However they didn't stop pushing the Jonas brothers on MTV, much to my chagrin. Even the death of a legend can't stop people from making cash. The people have found new heroes. They have left the past for the future. There wasn't going to be a comeback for Michael....Then I realized, there was never a need for a comeback. Michael Jackson is a star that is unlike other stars. He's the essence of entertainment. The album Thriller STILL holds the record for the most copies sold 27 years after it's release. He was better than Elvis Presley ever was, considering how they would compare both performers. He will forever be the one and only as many wannabes will try their hardest to be him. Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Jonas bros, etc, the list keeps building.

Michael Jackson, being your fan for more than 1 1/2 decade, I'm going to miss you very much. As you were more than the music to me. You had messages in your songs that some follow and some blindly skip. Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and for the entire human race. Michael Joseph Jackson will forever live on through the hearts of his many fans. I'm nearly in tears writing this while MTV is playing his music videos. The King of Pop is eternal. R.I.P Michael. I love you.)

You know, Michael Jackson was all i ever wanted to be. He mesmerized me with his dance skills and his amazing vocals...Beyond that, he is an amazing humanitarian. I am STILL in shock that the king is gone...But he will NEVER be replaced

Monday, May 25, 2009


Satanists are a dying breed of people who are still clinging to their one hope of having their sub-culture rise from the dead. I know a few satanists and I am okay with the most of them. They seem to be nice people,but hey, we are in Singapore. Singaporean satanists are fruit muffins. You should see what they do in Europe...Wow..Necrophillia, burning of churches, blood sacrifices to their 'dark lord' and many many other shit goes on there. As a guy that goes to church (moderately), this sort of behaviour is rather frightening. Satanists are basically a group of people that refuse to follow christianity. THOSE are the original satanists. They use Satan as their icon for the rebellish lifestyle. However,others perform black magic,dark stuff and even believe in occults. OK,Freakin me out. Forget about it...


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Highlights of the day.

Today's school was as usual tiring and incredibly boring. I hope the teacher could just take that damn motherboard,turn it sideways,and stick it straight up his candy ass (Sorry Dwayne). I started out the day going to Multimedia class late...Am I scared about being tardy? NOPE. I could enter that class after it ended and still get my attendance marked. My friends were also just as bored.... Haree didn't target me today,which makes the day extra special. Except for that shot to my family gems. The story behind that is as follows...An unnamed classmate of mine with a 'LITHP' (Lisp) jokingly asked Haree for a ciggie..I made one of my 'Raj Original' snide remark and told her that he will give her his PERMANENT cigarette...And by that,you obviously know what I'm talking about. He snapped and hit me in my crotch. I kinda limped to school and even now,I can feel slight effects of that...THANKS PUMBA! SO MUCH FOR HAKUNA MATATA!

Let me give a quick layman's description of the rest my class, shall I? Names will not be used.

There's a girl with a lithp, a mongrel with a concaved face, A racist little retard, Thrash Metalhead, Computer ripper, Former Fireman, (The previous three are close friends) Guy who ran over a kangaroo, Guy who showed us a smoking corner in level 3, Zac Efron, one INCREDIBLY boring dude, Braceface, Led ZEPPAlin and many many NS DRIVERS. Basically a very mixed class...I mix in well with most of them, but some are just un-adaptable.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Top 10 movies of all time.

10. Big Daddy
9. Grease
8. The Shining
7. I am Legend
6. Pirates of the carribean-Dead man's chest
5. The Warriors
4. The Lion King
3.The Dark Knight
2. Spiderman 2.
1. Jaws!

Great movies,seriously...Look out for'em...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

1000 mothers are praying for their children to come home safe (?)

I am tired....I shouldn't even be bothered to blog...But as the exceedingly awesome guy that I am,I decided to let you know that my triceps are bulging and my 3.5 GPA is coming. So I guess life is going good? WRONG! Here comes SWINE flu...Stupid assclowns are so scared that they're already putting on their Michael Jackson masks before it even strikes Singapore. That's ok...It is kinda like a fashion statement,but can't we wait for it to come to Singapore first? Hahahaha..... My day,yesterday....Spent time doing project with my little clique....All wanted to go home early...Decided to spend quality time and went to saw AYAN with my mum...Great movie...worth the ticket money...Yesterday was also my friend Vikesh's birthday. Dude turned 18 *wink wink*... hahaha Today was awesome as well...I was sleeping and now I'm blogging...STURDY!

18-1-10 9-19 1-23-5-19-15-13-5!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Here we go...everyday, I'm gonna be bitching about things that happen in my life and you guys are going to have to read it...This is quite cool, isn't it? Yeah,well I was kinda begged by some of my friends to do this...So I give in...BRACE YOURSELVES.